Time to take action: Management Buzzwords?
Throughout the past years and numerous discussions and meetings with clients, we've discovered terms like "digital, agile,...

Latihan, Latihan, Latihan: Menciptakan Percaya Diri
Cari tahu beberapa tips untuk berlatih secara efektif! Satu-satunya cara untuk menjadi lebih baik dan mengatasi kegugupan adalah dengan berl

Visualisasikan Presentasi Anda: Terprogram untuk Membaca lebih Cepat dibanding menulis (Part 3 of 4)
Belajar cara memvisualisasikan konten secara menarik, dan tangkap perhatian para audiens!

Mitos Public Speaking: Speakers are Born, Not Made (Part 2 of 4)
Seperti yang didiskusikan pada post pertama, public speaking adalah bagian penting dari presentasi Anda. Tanggung jawab Anda sebagai...

Membuat Presentasi Luar Biasa: Public Speaking, Visualisasi dan Kepercayaan Diri! (Part 1 of 4)
Presentasi yang luar biasa akan membangkitkan emosi dan perasaan. Dalam konteks bisnis, reaksi terhadap informasi akan berdampak ke hasil bi

Dive in the Fire Within
We are publishing a web series about the work behind the scenes with successful individuals! Stay tuned for our first interview!

Practice, Practice, Practice: The only real way to improve your Presentations
There's a reason why the best athletes & musicians practice their craft endlessly. The same applies to your presentations.

Visualizing Presentation Content: Programmed to Read Faster than to Listen (Part 3 of 4)
Have you ever been in the middle of a presentation, and as you talk, people are instead paying more attention to your slide behind you...

The Great Public Speaking Myth: Speakers are Born, Not Made (Part 2 of 4)
Look at some tips on public speaking: Winston Churchill and Steve Jobs weren't always great speakers. Here is a quick read on Vocal Expr

What Goes into Great Presentations: Public Speaking, Visualizations and Confidence! (Part 1 of 4)
Powerful presentation evokes emotions and thoughts. Within the business world, reactions to information triggers further action, which impac